italiano - français
Locality: POPULONIA (LI) 
Old Nomination: POPULONIUM 
Longitude: 10. 31 35 17  
Latitude: 42. 55 51 06  

Only etruscan town that striked on the sea, according to sources, Populonia would be founded by Corsi or by Volterrani. Its functionand prosperity was connected with the rich mine of iron of the Elba, that vein has been exploited from the arcaic period till ellenistic-roman age. 
The town had its maxim expansion in the IV century b.C. and and went into the roman orbit in the III century b.C.. 
The decay of the town happened in imperial period. 

We can visite: 

  • the city walls
  • a big well ( the S.Caterina's well)
  • Between the old town and the Poggio of Granate are necropolis of VII - V century b.C. in the locality: S.Casone, The Porcareccia, The Debbio and the Conchino.
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