italiano - français
Old Nomination: CAERE 
Location: Via Aurelia Km. 45.5 
Longitude: 12. 05 55 51 
Latitude: 41.59 49 55 

One of the greater town of the Marine Etruria , Caere occupied a wide area between Tarquinia and Veio. In the VII - VI a. C. Caere got a high degree of power and of wealth and was one of the town most populous of the mediterranean word. Its naval,commercial and military activity developped throught the ports of Alsium (Palo), Pyrgi ( Santa Severa) and Punicum (Santa Marinella). Had solid bonds with the ellenistic wordreceiving dealers and artists colonies. Caere kept always in Rome, but with the III century A.C. begun its decline that will continue untill the extinction in the I century D.C. The urban rests of Caere are scanty, plentiful are instead the discovery of Etruscan necropolis. There are the rest of a theatre, of houses and of buildings of roman age. 


Necropoli della Banditaccia 

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