italiano - français
Locality: SANTA SEVERA (RM) 
Old Nomination: PYRGI 
Location: Via Aurelia Km. 51.4 
Longitude: 11. 53 47 20 
Latitude: 42.02 01 25 

Pyrgi was one of the ports of Caere. There have been discovered the rests of a sanctuary with two temples (Temple A, V  a.C. - Temple B, VI  a.C.) where have been found rich architectural terracotta ( one of them presents a scene of the myth of Sevent against Tebe now at  Giulia museum). Moreover there have been found, in a fence included between the two temples, three gold leafs (end VI begin V century A.C.); on two leafs there are Etruscan inscriptions, on the other there is an Phoenician inscription.

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