italiano - français
Locality: TALAMONE (GR) 
Old Nomination: TELAMON 
Longitude: 11. 12 39 04  
Latitude: 42. 26 28 50  

On the hill of Talamonaccio, long the coast zone, rise the rests of the town originally etrusca and after roman of Talamone. In roman age the town was remembered as place of landing of Tiberio Gracco, coming from Numanzia in the 133 a.C. and above all as place of the horrible battle between the Romans and the Galls in the 225 a.C. finished with the bloody defeat of the Celtic invaders. 
Round the town some have been escaved some tombs containing materials datable at the III - II cenmtury a.C. while, in the locality Bengodi are brought out of the architectonic terrecotte late-arcaic pertaining at a extra-urban sanctuary. 
The most important monument is constitued by the rest of a big temple situated on the top of the hill of the old town that are also remained square blanks of the foundation and of the platform. At the archeological Museum of Florence preserve the architectonic terrecotte belonging at this temple, that is slabs of covering and antefix and above all  a part of the decoration of the pediment fictile at high-relief with the episode of the Seven against Tebe. The chronology of this decoration is to fixe within the II century a.C.. at the temple was annexed a stipe votiva with reproduction miniaturistic in bronze of agricultural tools and the weapons. 
Between the rests of the roman age signal the rests of a big bridge at four arches that allowed the passage of the Aurelia street on the Osa river near its outlet and, in locality S. Francesca Romana, the remains of a villa said ""Le Terme"", rised at the beginning of imperial age and lived till the late empire.

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