italiano - français
Locality: PISA (PI) 
Old Nomination: PISAE 
Longitude: 10. 24 02 54 
Latitude: 43. 42 57 47  

According to the sources, Pisa is a town of old foundation and appears as the most mysterious town of the Etruria. The same etruscanity has been put in doubt (some sources said that it is ligurian). Archaeologic data of roman age, excluded those epigraphical, are scanty: the Foro had to stay near Cavalieri's square, the theater in S.Zeno streeet, amphiteatre on the Lucca street, the termae at Lucca door. 
the big developpementof the middle age of the town has cancelled nearly all old rests. 
The archaeologic importance of Pisa is gave by the materials used in the building of the Prato of Miracoli. 
Apart the roman pieces used for the Duomo, where are visible also inscriptions coming by Ostia, whole considerable is that of the Camposanto. Here the materials have been withdrawed of the roman sarcophagus of the II - III century a.D..

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