italiano - français
Locality: VENTIMIGLIA (IM)  
Longitude: 7.36 28 35 
Latitude: 43.47 24 51  

Preroman built-up area (Albium internelium=town of the Intemeli) can have made go back at IV b.C.. After the roman occupation of the whole ligurian cost (180 b.C.), next to built-up area of Albium Intermelium, settled a military camp and subsequently developped the roman town. With the open of Julia Augustea street (Aurelia street, XIII b.C.) became a big town (Strabone). Prosperous in imperial age and wealth of public buildings, the town underwent the Goti invasion at the begin of the V century, the remained byzantine till the VIII century. 
Archaeologic area of Albintimulium: within a building (70-50 b.C.) of irregularly of trapezium shape (m 400*600) and with three doors. There are  the theatre, the theramae and other buildings paved at mosaic. A part of roman street is practicable in the Hanbury garden.

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