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Locality: TARQUINIA  
Old Nomination: TARQUINII  
Longitude: 11.45 25 53 
Latitude: 42.15 07 55 

Old Tarquinia rised at about six kilometers from the sea on the hill of the Civita characterized by a calcareous land and scantly vegetation. Was surrounded by walls, about 8000 meters long, formed by square blocks of limestone, which construction go back at V - Vi century a.C.. In this walls opened the doors, which went  out the street that connected the town with the sea and the other towns such as Vulci, Tuscania and Norchia. 
The urban topography is little knowed, excluded of the area of the Ara of the queen on the basis of shed sounding efectuated in the years 30 and 40. Nevertheless the geographic researches of the Lerici foudation have brought out the existence of an regular urbanistic installation, while some indication on the plant come from the localization of the urban doors. 
In the sanctuary of the Ara of the Regina rise the imponent ruins of the one of the big etruscan knowed temples. The remains visible are the result of a   completely reconstruction of the beginning of the IV century a.C., with very roman adjustements; the architectonic terrecotte of the VI century a.C., the shape and the orientation of the altar are the witness of the arcaic stage of a important faith, which divinity is unknowed. 
From the area of the templum come the fragments of the inscription with the elogia of the Spurinnae and of the fasti (little biographies in chronological order) of the magistrates (presidents) of a sacerdotal college. 
The necropolis of Monterozzi is the marvellous cemetery of Tarquinia where more than half millenium the town put down its deads. Infact, in this necropolis there are a serious of painted tombs that render Tarquinia one of the archaelogic centre most important of the mediterranean area. 
Now about 60 tombs are visible.

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